The Balcombe clan, early 1950s

Created by Les 3 months ago

This might have been taken around Christmas time although the fire isn't blazing so maybe not. Most likely the venue was 99 Stanley Rd. Here are the names as far as I can remember.

1. Stan

2. Gladys/Margaret, Stan's wife

3. Kate, the matriarch

4. Wyn, Kate's daughter

5. Not sure, could be Marjory King, a close family friend

6. Joan, Kate's daughter and my mum

7. Doreen, Kate's daughter

8. Cedric, married to Doreen

9. Ada, married to Albert (Bert and later John to the family)

10. Gladys, Kate's daughter

11. Horace, distant cousin, nicknamed Nunk (does anyone know why?)

12. Marjory, Kate's daughter

13. Bill, married to Marjory

14. Monica, daughter to Marjory and Bill

15. Herbert, married to Sylvia

16. Sylvia, Kate's daughter

17. Tony, Marjory and Bill's son
